Category Archives: PowerShell

Powershell Mount and dismount content database

While working on the scripts for dismounting all content database for a DR situation found SPContentdatabase do not display OFFLINE databases. So had to work around to get the offline content database for each web application and disable it.


Puts OFFLINE AND DISMOUNT all attached DBs

get-spwebapplication -identity webappURL | foreach {$SPContentDB = $_.ContentDatabases}

$SPContentDB | ForEach {Set-SPContentDatabase -Identity $_ -status disabled}

$SPContentDB | ForEach {Dismount-SPContentDatabase $_ -confirm:$false}

Found another interesting blog where it mentioned putting SharePoint content database offline is no the best practice rather putting the sitecollection max count to current number of sitecollections also avoids creating new sitecollection for the specified content database.


mount-spcontentdatabase “DBName” -DatabaseServer “DBServer” -Webapplication webappURL
